Japanissa on n e l j ä radioamatööriluokkaa

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Viestit: 4653
Liittynyt: 28.03.2014 04:32

Japanissa on n e l j ä radioamatööriluokkaa

ViestiKirjoittaja oh2op » 11.05.2024 01:29


Länsimaissa on yleensä vain kolme.

3. ja 4. luokan tutkintoon on pakollinen hyväksytyn pitäjän kurssi.

2.4.1 Various classes of amateur radio operators
The qualification of radio operators for the amateur radio service are stipulated as follows according to the technical faculties (Article 40 of the Radio Law):
- Amateur First-Class Radio Operator;
- Amateur Second-Class Radio Operator;
- Amateur Third-Class Radio Operator;
- Amateur Fourth-Class Radio Operator.
Anyone can obtain the radio operator's qualification(s) by passing the state examinations for radio operators' certificates conducted for each qualification and, otherwise, as to the qualifications of Third and Fourth classes of amateur radio operators, by taking one of the formally authorized radio operators training courses held for conferring these amateur radio operators' qualifications (Article 41 of the Radio Law). Since any radio operator's qualification may be bestowed not only to the Japanese citizens but also to the foreign citizens, it is possible for a foreign citizens to become a "radio operator" prescribed in the Radio Law. In this case, a fee should be paid which is fixed according to the class of qualification under the pertinent Order effective at that time.

Japanin tehot https://www.jarl.org/English/2_Outline/A-2-2.htm | https://www.jarl.org/English/3_Applicat ... .htm#guest

Japanissa on rinnastuksia https://www.jarl.org/English/2_Outline/A-2-3.htm

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